If you're saying to yourself "I'd really like something nice to remember this book by!" then we have just the thing for you! Introducing marketable DFN merchandise! Perfect for your next party and someone asks you "where did you get that shirt with the anatomical-looking render of Daredevil Dan from the hit movie Foodfight?" and you can proudly say "I got it from the DRAWING FOR NOTHING store!" Now you can be one of the cool kids. You can even buy buttons, mugs, and pillows with our wonderful designs. Even if I only get a 20% cut, I'll appreciate two pennies in a tin can!



If you're feeling generous enough (and rich enough) to donate, it'd be most welcome! This project has not been a free endeavor and is done entirely out of my own interest and pockets. I'm still in college! Much of the art has been scanned from out of print books and other materials that get more expensive as I go. The website itself along with maintaining and making it prettier also isn't free. While physical copies of the book aren't being published, consider your donation going towards making the book bigger.